Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is th e difference between addiction clinical counslors and 12 step self help programs?

I am doing a research paper on drug addiction recovery and what the difference is between the clinical staff (treatment) and going to self help 12-Step groups (etc. N/A, AA).

What is th e difference between addiction clinical counslors and 12 step self help programs?
In a clinical setting it's more one on one and some find it easier to open up in that setting. Most addicts have underlying issues that caused the addiction in the first place. As for A/A-N/A is done in a group setting where one addict depends on others to help him. Its a support structure, that can be carried from the meeting to the street or home. If the addict feels the need to use he/she can call upon their sponsor for help. (only works if the phone call is made) I prefer to counsel in small groups, and do not follow the A/A N/A method. Drugs and alcohol use is a personal choice just as recovery is. Recovery will only work when the person truly wants to quit.
Reply:have you tried googling it? im pretty sure you will find your answers. but my guess is that the clinical staff you deal with actual conselors, staf, etc.. that will talk with you, experts, professionals, who can help the person get over there addiction. as oppose to 12 step is where you go to the meeting, voluntarily along with other people like themselves. everyone in the room is there for the same reason, to get help, support from other people who understand there problem and what they are going thru. People just take turns going up in front of everyone and saying who they are, what there problem is, alcoholic, porn addict, sex addict, etc.. and tell there story, admitting the problem is the 'first step'.

hope this helps.

Good Luck on the paper!
Reply:An addiction recovery center is run by professionals with medical degrees, specialist degrees like psychiatrists, and then doctorate degree people like psychologists and master degree holding individuals like addiction counselors. They have all been trained in areas of psychology and mental health. They base their treatment standards off of well respected theories and skills that seem to work well for addicts and alcoholics.

The 12 step programs are not run by professionals. Professionals may attend these programs as addicts and alcoholics themselves, but they do not facilitate the programs. The program is made up of other addicts and alcoholics who are wishing to seek abstinence from the chemicals. They use the principles of the big book and sponsors- those with at least 2 years of recovery help new comers find ways to stay sober.

Check out your college's online databases like Academic Search Premiere to find research articles on this topic. You can find many great peer reviewed, empirical studies through this database. Some key words to try while searching are:

Addiction Recovery

AA and treatment programs

Self help addiction recovery
Reply:Since over 90% of treatment is 12step based, not much.

One of the big jokes in the rooms is that people spend thousands and rhousands of dollars to attend rehabs where they are told they need AA meetings. (That's about as funny as they get.)

If you're doing a paper on recovery, check out this site:

and "The Effectiveness of the Twelve-Step Treatment":

Check out "The Diseasing of America" by Peele and take a quick glance at these books:

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