Thursday, April 15, 2010

How should I ask to get a better increase and more money?

I currently work as a HR Assistant in a clinical research organization and I recently received an increase of about 4% for my last year performance which overall was good! A receptionist who has about the same amount of experience as I do with no degree not only received a 4% increase but was also promoted to an HR Assistant role with an additional 4% increase, now making almost $3000 more then me. This has made me furious!! How can I approach my Director for a fair evaluation?? Or help her see my side without any threats. I currently need my job as I am planning on making some life changes.

How should I ask to get a better increase and more money?
First, get your "then" vs "than" right. It was probably a typo, but be dilligent about such details.

You can't mention your co-workers paycheck because virtually all companies have a "don't talk about how much we pay you" type of rule.

What you CAN do is meet with your boss. Ask what you can do in the upcoming year to secure a better salary... higher position, etc. When they mention any areas for improvement, take notes, and just listen.

If given the chance, explain your contributions from the prior year (if you can think of ways you saved the company money or increased productivity, that'll help). And then lay your self-evaluation on the table for re-consideration. If you fel like you got screwed, then say so, but use nicer words than I'm using.

Whatever you do... do not nit-pick other employees' faults or trump up your achievements.

You work in HR, you know how it's done!
Reply:first i would never bring up what other people are making or not making to her at this point..but i would thoughtfully write down a list not only of your qualifications but of the reasons you feel you deserve a rasie......then ask....worse she can say at this point is no....most women in business do not get rasies or promotions becasue they fail to just ask...they figure you are content with the way things toot your own horn and let them know why you feel you deserve it be working extra hours..meeting deadlines or going above and beyond what your job responsibilties are..
Reply:Never discuss with anyone that you know what this other person is making. It is a fireable offense to discuss salary with other co-workers.

Also, write down all the reasons you are a good employee, note all the things you do well, that you're always on time, never out, are professional, have excelled and gone beyond in whatever manner. Then write a letter to your boss with everything you have noted and go in and one-on-one discuss it with him and tell him you would love to be considered for an additional increase. Don't act angry or desperate for it.

A company is never just going to say HERE have more money. They will only give that is required. If you go a step beyond and let them know you see the qualities you have to offer and want them to be aware then you have to sell yourself to them.....explain WHY you deserve the increase.

As far as the other person goes, just let that go. She got a normal raise and then was promoted. It happens all the time.
Reply:You don't get what you want or deserve. You get what you negotiate.

PS DO NOT mention what they other person is earning. It will blow up in your face.

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