Thursday, April 15, 2010

Compare the work of clinical, educational, occupatitional and research psychologists?

a clinical psychologist works, as the name suggests, in a clinic or in a very interactive environment. they're likely to work for a division of a hospital or perhaps a smaller practice.

i'm not entirely sure what an educational psychologist is, but i imagine it might mean psychologists working in academia. eg. writing theses, lecturing at a uni/college

occupational psychologists work in work! they're mostly concerned with improving the effectiveness and efficiency of employees in large organisations.

research psychologists tend to work for research faculties and institutes. usually performing experiments to better understand the various areas of psych, and to utilise these findings in real-world applications.

Compare the work of clinical, educational, occupatitional and research psychologists?
Clinical psychologists are people who do therapy. They are what people generally think of when they think of psychologists. They are different than psychiatrists because they did not go to medical school and cannot prescribe medicine.

Educational psychologists work in a school system. They evaluate children's skills in a variety of domains, and develop ways to help students better succeed in school and life.

I'm not sure what you mean by occupational, but you may mean Industrial/Organizational. They generally consult in businesses to help the employees work in the most efficient way. They also help people find the best job for their strengths.

Research psychologists can be in a variety of domains. Research psychologists can be interested in any of the domains above or cognitive, social or developmental psychology (among others). Research psychologists do not work in an applied setting like the above psychologists. They instead run experiments in laboratory settings.

Hope this helps!
Reply:not a single one of them has ever cured anyone, or even truely tried. all they do is label and give excuses to people as to why they can not be held accountable for their own actions, and to use the exscuse as to why it is never their falt for anything. the longer they have a person as a patient , the more money they receive. there is no incentive for them to cure anyone.if they cure you they will not become rich, show me a poor psychologist !, govt. grants for research, insurance payments, or straight cash, but when cash runs out, you are denied services. and are again the problem of society that they have created.
Reply:clinical psychology is in abnormal area %26amp; educational is in learn ability area %26amp; occupational is mostly in relationship area %26amp; research is in recognition of psychology.

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