Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clinical research question about flatulence...?

Who flatulates more - men or women?

Thus far, I have drawn near to the conclusion that women do.

Although men eat more than women, the latter tend to eat more flatulence-inducing food items (ie. green vegetables, beans) to stay healthy and fit in accordance with social standards.

However, men drink more gaseous liquids, such as beer and soda. Yet, my studies have shown that women drink more water than men for healthier skin tones (societal demands) which, in fact, can account for a great deal of flatulent activity.

I would like to hear from both sides of the fence: Men and women - How do evaluate your flatulent frequency?

Clinical research question about flatulence...?
men fart less, but are stinkier. women fart more, but are less smelly. it's got to do with the genetic makeup of the bateria and surrounding cells that're present in the colon, not what you eat.

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