Saturday, April 17, 2010

What are your views on Clinical Counseling?

I'm doing a research project on how people see psychological counseling. I'd like to know if you know or have had counseling and what your views are and why

What are your views on Clinical Counseling?
I had it and it really didn't help me but I think it was because the councellor wasn't very good.

I think with the right councellor, it can be really helpful and beneficial.

Hope I helped. Good luck with your project. :)
Reply:I'm more into holistic medicine..

If people need counseling/treatment at holistic centers, that would the BEST option.

People who have severely messed up problems need to relearn things from bottom up, in terms of Maslow's pyramid of needs. IF they learn to eat healthy, nutritiously, stay fit, sleep right, combat stress, then we've already won half the battle. IF they learn how to develop positive social skills, better ways of thinking, coping, reasoning, we're almost there.

In fact, it's about unlearning ALL of the toxic components in their lives that will truly help them heal from within, DEEP at the root of their problems. Pills just get people addicted. They are just temporary solutions. Adapting to new behavior/improved lifestyles to stay emotionally, spiritually, intellectually fit is the long-term solution. It's 'permanent.' It becomes second nature just like breathing.
Reply:I've had counseling and I've found it lacking because they can't take the place of a really good friend. (Which are few and far between.) IOW, if you have a really good friend and are willing to hear the truth about yourself, you most likely don't need a therapist.

Many psychologists are nuts (ask them...they'll agree!) and needing therapy themselves. Their do as I say, not as I do may work for some people but I value modeling more than guidance. It's hard for me to hear from my therapist that marriage is worth saving when he himself is twice divorced.

I got more from my pastor.
Reply:I have nothing but good view because I plan on being a clincial psychologist or a mental health counseler. I think it is a very good thing for people to get help and anyway they can.

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